Product reviews for The Art of Being a Brilliant NQT

John T Morris BA(Hons),MEd,MPhil,CertEd, Director JTM Educational Consultants
It is of concern that a large percentage of new entrants to the great profession of teaching experience problems with behaviour for learning, engagement and other issues.  As a result the rate of early withdrawal from the teaching profession in some areas is relatively high.  This brilliantly written book is full of ideas  and “top tips” to promote learner participation, enjoyment, learning and understanding.  The positive experience of the authors shines through every chapter and their top tips on classroom management, improving participation, identifying positive change makers , and teaching eye catching lessons make essential reading for teachers at all levels, inparticular those new to the profession and those considering this “marvellous career”.
Guest | 07/09/2015 01:00
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