Product reviews for 7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence

Ross Maynard FCMA
A key feature of NLP is the understanding and management of your own, and other's, emotional states. NLP techniques can, therefore, be of great use in the field of emotional intelligence. This is the aim of this book, and the authors provide an important and well put together NLP based toolkit for EI practitioners " virtually the whole of NLP is covered including rapport, anchoring, perceptual positions, meta-programmes, meta-model, logical levels and much more. Widely researched, well written and presented, this is primarily an NLP book, and I recommend it to NLP Practitioners expanding their practices to include EI. However, the book is not "about" EI as such and contains little about the development of EI, key researchers and writers, tools and measures etc. If you do not have an NLP background then you should probably start your journey into emotional intelligence elsewhere (Emotionally Intelligent Living by Geetu Orme is a good starting point), but if you have a good knowledge of NLP then this is definitely a good crossover work.
Guest | 22/09/2005 01:00
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