Richard P. Kluft, MD, PhD. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Temple University School of Medicine
This second edition is a solid clinically-focused text that belongs on the bookshelf of any practitioner who uses or aspires to learn to use hypnosis to assist younger patients in overcoming medical or psychological difficulties. Children and adolescents possess an impressive and often inspiring resilience and capacity for growth and constructive change. The approaches discussed and illustrated by the authors of its many chapters demonstrate the power of hypnosis to facilitate those helpful processes. The case vignettes are well-selected and helpful. Here you find no magic or over-enthusiasm.- Simply the keen appreciation by skilful clinicians of how the use of clinical hypnosis can enhance the efficacy of medical and psychological interventions and equip their young patients with powerful tools for the achievement of mastery, symptom relief, and self-control.
Guest|04/02/2014 00:00
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