John T Morris BA(Hons),MEd,MPhil,CertEd, Director, Ymgynghorwyr Addysg JTM Educational Consultants
This is an essential resource for all teachers, tutors mentors and managers in schools and colleges. Responsibility for improving literacy skills across all curriculum areas is a key area of focus within all sectors and this book is written with “every teacher in mind”. As the author notes, there are still teachers who take the attitude “I teach physics...... you won't catch me mucking around with no literacy in me lessons. That's what the English department's for innit”. This book addresses the apprehensions, even anxieties, of the non-specialist “English Teacher” and encourages them to find the literacy within their subject. David Didau is an excellent exponent of promoting literacy skills in an easily read and enjoyable format. I would highly recommend this book.
Guest|24/06/2014 01:00
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