Lynne Cooper, Coach and Coaching Supervisor at Change Perspectives; co-author of The Five-Minute Coach: Improver Performance Rapidly
This latest book in the field of coaching supervision is a valuable addition and actually draws our attention to the need for supervision in a much wider context than coaching -”for leaders, managers and mentors in organisations. Its layout, style, illustrations all contribute to a welcoming book, easy to read and full of useful exercises and case studies and make it easy for anyone to pick up and use the ideas and tools irrespective of any prior supervision training.

I was pleased to read the depth in which Groves' Clean Language is presented -” probably more extensively than in in any other coaching supervision text to date. The various Clean approaches form such a powerful contribution to supervision techniques that they would benefit any supervision relationship and Jackie Arnold explains them in a truly accessible way.

The whole style of the book is a handy guide, full of clearly-presented models and approaches to supervision, including the Seven-Eyed Model and Transactional Analysis as well as Clean processes. The author also explores how the supervisor creates the conditions in which excellent work will happen, including the preparation of both the supervisee and supervisor. All in all a practical, easy to read and valuable book.
Guest | 04/08/2014 01:00
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