Product reviews for Never Mind the Inspectors

Gemma Thornton, Armthorpe Academy, Yorkshire Education Trust
This book is not for the faint-hearted, it won't tell you how to ensure you tick the -˜right' boxes for Ofsted nor how to create the perfect lesson. In fact, it is the complete opposite -” it makes you reconsider your planning, how you teach and how, ultimately, you get the best out of your students. Never Mind the Inspectors :Here's Punk Learning discusses how the current educational norms are not acceptable; as a teacher it makes you consider how the norms can and have to be shifted for the future of teaching. Students are not robots who should just be spoken to; their young punk minds need the knowledge and power to involve themselves in their education.
Never Mind the Inspectors Here's Punk Learning gets to the essence of punk, taking you on a journey that makes you reconsider your teaching mindset. As I found myself thinking about what Tait Coles has written, it made me reflect that all too often education is training a steady stream of students down the same expected educational journey, and it is teachers that have the opportunity to use punk learning to change this mindset.
This book makes you look not only at your classroom but at the whole school picture. I consider myself a punk teacher and the book makes me start to think, and plan, how I can start causing anarchy in the staffroom, challenging the -˜normal, mundane, expected' thinking that is found in every school, questioning how SLT lead the school, planning to cause a staff room riot and getting teachers that sit in the staff room, moaning, to see how punk learning teaching can be inspiring.
The book makes you want to start walking around with placards encouraging students to take ownership of their learning; it makes me want to stand on the chairs in the staffroom and encourage colleagues to destroy their much loved lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations and take the risk of becoming punks and causing anarchy!
This book will challenge your thoughts on teaching, your teaching mantra and your practice. If you are willing to embrace this book, expect to reflect hard on your own practice and teaching style and become a different practitioner.

This is a completely inspiring book. Having taught using punk learning I have seen first hand how students have become more creative and imaginative in their learning. They start to learn and question things differently and begin to challenge themselves. Through punk learning, my students have asked questions, and researched and produced outcomes that would never have occurred if it hadn't been for the punk learning experience.
Guest | 16/04/2014 01:00
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