Ruth, Reading Zone

The eagerly awaited third book in Anthony Kessel's Don't Doubt The Rainbow series, American Mystery continues the detective adventures of hero Eddie Marble. This time the mystery stretches across the ocean to Canada and America. Helpful maps can be found inside the front cover.

Picking up the teaser at the end of book two, Eddie becomes involved in uncovering a dark family secretshared with her confidentially by her ailing Grandfather. This in turn leads to a much bigger investigation, which prompts the reader into considering the ethical implications of this, at times, heart-rending story line, alongside enjoying Edie's crime-solving narrative.

American Mystery is both a great read and contains good advice and modelling from the lead character, about ownership of emotions, encouraging the reader to understand the way thoughts and feelings can influence behaviour. It is a fast-paced page turner which once again ends with a teaser, giving the reader a taste of the storyline for book four!

The complementary covers of the three books in the Don’t Doubt the Rainbow series are different from much published middle grade fiction at the moment, making them eye-catching books for dynamic shelving in school and public libraries. Highly recommended for secondary school aged students.

Suggested Reading Age 11+

Bethan | 27/01/2025 11:10
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