Product reviews for Restorative Practice at Work

Heather Bruce, Freedom to Speak up Guardian, University Hospitals of Morcambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

I was delighted to read this book. I think it is particularly apt that this practice has been shared within our trust, and especially now, when we have all recently had the most isolation, mentally and physically, from family and colleagues that many of us have ever experienced, due to the pandemic. 

The six habits are set out succinctly and clearly, and compassionately assess situations that may occur – with a clear aim for supportive resolution and improved healthcare.

The circle meetings are a very welcome initiative after the necessity of endless TEAM meetings – a very practical way to break down barriers and work towards a psychologically safe and good culture.

Here is a reference guide that any team member, whatever their role, would be glad to have nearby, and one that they can dip into for reminders and guidance.

I think this publication is particularly relevant to the work we do as Freedom to Speak Up Guardians, where we can be faced with difficult and highly emotionally charged conversations that will benefit from a measured structure of restorative enquiry to ensure the psychological safety that is needed to make speaking up everyday practice.

Bethan | 31/07/2023 22:58
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