Product reviews for Restorative Practice at Work

Janet Yeadon, retired Clerical Admin Manager, Primary Care Support Services, NHS

I applaud Lesley Parkinson for wanting to help teams and individuals find a positive way to face the future. It can sometimes be a difficult task to inspire a jaded and overworked team to try something different. Working in a team, there is nothing more dispiriting or disheartening than when presenting an idea or concern, it is not then followed up or is treated with distain. 

The book provides great background research which proves that putting the work into providing the tools to restorative practice is worth the effort. Once a team has gelled together, sharing the same motivations and responsibilities, they will work better and look out for each other more. l like the moments set aside to think and add personal insights into the narrative. 

The mountain illustration gives a helpful insight, cleverly highlighting that if you are feeling good or bad, you act differently towards the people you are in contact with at any time – and them with you. This in turn defines how your interactions and relationships can be good or bad. 

The relational window makes each person think about the way they deal with everyday things with a better perspective, which helps managers work with the team better and makes the team members more amenable to assisting each other with any issues.

In my opinion, the improvements that could be made by following these six habits – in a workplace setting and taken outside work into a personal setting – mean that this book is well worth your time.

Bethan | 31/07/2023 22:55
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