Product reviews for From My Heart

Chris Harrison, President NAHT 2011-12
This book provides a sensitive and subtle invitation for readers to engage and reflect on their work in the world of education within which they work and live. This is a book which cannot and should not be ignored - through Neil's detailed analysis arising from extensive work in schools throughout the world his message is clearly set out in a powerful vision that reminds us all of the human nature of the school experience and presents a call for how we can reignite and renew our sense of what schools can and should be - for all the children, the staff, the parents and the community served. The reader is gently reminded that in any institution, school or company, there should never be a hierarchy of relationships, only a hierarchy of roles.

Within such a powerful culture and where it is clear that it is human relationships which matter most, then the real benefits arising from a 'talk together, plan together, work together' and a VbE philosophy and practice suddenly becomes very clear...

Guest | 16/07/2013 01:00
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