Laura McGeachie, English Lead, Icknield Primary School

Reading Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English provides further consolidation and real exemplification of the content of the five previous books in the series. The key principles and strategies are expertly explained and the case studies to illustrate each element are invaluable: too often pedagogical texts provide the ‘what’ but not always the ‘how’ and all practitioners, whether they have already embarked upon an Opening Doors journey or have yet to do so, cannot fail to be excited and inspired by the ambition and genuine passion shared by every contributor.  

What I love most is that this book made me pause, question and reflect. Whilst acknowledging that the next steps in our curriculum development will take time and effort, reading this book has clarified my thinking and given me first-hand experiences from which I can draw further inspiration. By embracing the Opening Doors approach, we have grown ‘to love and need challenge and ambition as a norm’. I am excited for our pupils that we continue to pioneer!

Ella | 12/04/2023 16:01
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