Wenda Davies, Languages, Literacy and Communication Lead, Coastlands School

This fantastic addition to the ‘Opening Doors’ series clearly models how schools can design their English curriculum by putting rich, quality texts at the heart. With an emphasis on high challenge, whilst offering strategies that ensure each text can be accessed by all, the reader is offered a toolkit of techniques to inspire exciting and diverse reading and writing responses. These principles are then exemplified in case studies – written by teachers at the chalk face – that are included at the end of each chapter. Bob Cox, accompanied by co-authors Leah Crawford, Julie Sargent and Angela Jenkins, brings his many years of experience of teaching and his in-depth knowledge of literature to demonstrate how the teaching of literary concepts can be introduced to our very youngest pupils, then extended and deepened in a spiral structure throughout the primary curriculum. At a time when teacher workload is more concerning than ever, Opening Doors to Ambitious Primary English will save hours of teacher time with its clear layout and explanations, whilst the link reading suggestions are worth their weight in gold! With its vision of shared discovery and inclusiveness, this exciting new book cannot fail to expand the literary horizons of both teachers and their pupils. 

Ella | 12/04/2023 15:55
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