Helen Edgar, (Autistic Realms), Teacher parent and writer advocating for a better understanding of neurodivergence and mental health in education.
Square Pegs shares real life case studies as well as bringing in theory and ideas for practical solutions to put into practise today. The system of trying to fit square pegs into round holes will never work, it leaves those that are already struggling and marginalised even more broken. The law around school attendance and the whole current framework of our education system needs to change, this is a massive task and will not happen quickly. However, there are practical ideas in this book based on real case studies to support those willing to consider a change of narrative and create a positive difference. Education needs to be inclusive and supportive, children, young people and their families should not be penalised due to their differences and inability to fit in. The consequences of the current education system not meeting the needs of so many is devastating...
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