Product reviews for Test-Enhanced Learning

Oliver Caviglioli, co-author of the Teaching WalkThrus books

This is a unique and long-awaited book. While it's been a few years now that schools have known about the top cognitive science teaching strategies, we've all been waiting for an in-depth analysis of their application in real classroom contexts by a practising teacher – one where the students' own psychologies, faced with a new and challenging about-change in how to learn, are noticed, developed and described. These are real field notes, backed by a comprehensive and interconnected familiarity with the relevant research.

When we read accounts, we want to know more than what happened. We want to know the teacher's theory of action – what they intended to happen and why – and the often surprising deviations on the journey. Such insights into the teacher's thinking gives the reader so much more than just another trawl through the well-known studies. By presenting the account in this way, the reader becomes more intelligent too.

Kristian Still's book is comprehensive, personal, analytical, practical and a positive validation of the impact of integrating and adapting teaching strategies to fit the context in which they are applied. I highly recommend this book and consider it to be a launch of a new era in which context and techniques are intelligently integrated.

Ella | 23/01/2023 14:52
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