Product reviews for Square Pegs

Margaret Mulholland, Inclusion Specialist, Association of School & College Leaders

This book is steeped in the experience and expertise of families, teachers and leaders. It tells the story of a system that is fraught with unintended consequences, brings the lived experiences of young people alive and challenges the notion of one-size-fits-all strategies. The voice of school leaders and teachers, ambitious to see the young people in their care thrive, roar at us across the page. It’s a book of confidence for professionals and parents alike to rise above the distracting noise about attendance, exclusion and ‘what works’ narratives. A much-needed book ensuring the voice and experience of young people is heard and helping to inform what happens next.

It’s a must-read for everyone with a vision of an education system that can be ‘fixed’ through collaboration and brave actions. 

Lester | 29/11/2022 11:29
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