Product reviews for The Mindful Teacher's Handbook

Jennifer Ford, Head Teacher, Treorchy Comprehensive School

The Mindful Teacher’s Handbook is a book for every teacher and leader in an ever-changing world. The book is well timed, as we begin our new curriculum journey in Wales, with a real focus on how we all need to focus on our own health and well-being: we can only care for our students with empathy and love if we ‘mind our own minds’. There is nothing ‘woolly’ about this book; it is written with authenticity and is rooted in classroom experience. The section on using mindfulness as a tool for responding to some of the behaviours we are all seeing in the post-COVID-19 classroom is both refreshing and useful. 

Overall, there is a toughness about this writing: an insistence on the absolute need to build in mindfulness that I found compelling and very real. I see a need for this handbook in my school and in every school.

Lester | 09/11/2022 12:08
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