John Morris, freelance consultant and former adviser, associate headteacher and Ofsted inspector
I was privileged to be a member of the BASS (Birmingham Advisory and Support Service) team under the guidance and leadership of the authors, Tim Brighouse and Mick Waters. This book recounts their breadth of experience, credibility and unstinting energies in tackling challenges, disadvantage and in many cases, unfulfilled good intentions by politicians at all levels.
The authors take the reader on an historical Journey in terms of legislation, reforms and their personal perspectives from the coal face. The insight, based on the rich veins of experience contained within the ‘Tim recalls’ and ‘Mick recalls’ sections, have greater credibility and value than mere anecdotes. The wealth of information from their experiences, alongside viewpoints from a range of others, is exemplified in part three of the book – Overcoming Barriers to Success.
The richness of the text stimulates reflection, discussion and creates a challenge for change in terms of ‘Improving on Previous Best’. The wealth and quality of
the narrative in terms of climate, curriculum, teaching to promote learner fulfilment and overcoming barriers flows with practical awareness and a balanced review of theory into practice. This is particularly evident when the authors offer their thoughts on Chapter 13 – Building Forward Together.
This outstanding text will encourage readers to reflect upon and challenge their own experiences as learner, parent, teacher, manager or administrator. About Our Schools should be in all schools and colleges to stimulate team thinking on steps to reduce barriers and obstacles to pupil fulfilment.