Product reviews for A Curious Curriculum

Professor Sam Twiselton, OBE, Director of Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University

A Curious Curriculum is likely to be an enormous asset to all in primary who (using the authors’ own words) seek to be ‘well informed, well read and thoughtfully discerning … careful to distinguish between trends, fads and genuine new answers to perennial questions’ in relation to the curriculum. This approach is to be admired for the whole curriculum and in particular for foundation subjects – which are so often the poor relative. I particularly like that the whole process of collaboratively applying this approach to create a truly owned curious curriculum that has both depth and breadth is analysed in a way that does not claim to create a model that can be ‘lifted and shifted’ into different contexts. Rather, what arises from the analysis is a set of principles and ways of working that can be applied and owned in a range of ways.

Lester | 06/10/2022 12:49
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