Rachel Tomlinson, Head Teacher, Barrowford Primary School

This book is easy to read and is jam-packed with years and years’ worth of wisdom from an experienced teacher. Mark’s insights will generate thinking, reflection and action in teachers at every stage of their career. Early career teachers will pick up tons of strategies they can implement easily, while more experienced teachers will reflect on their own practice and consider how they can make it even better – and all will smile at Mark’s understanding of how schools, their staff, their pupils and their parents work and behave. 

Reading Independent Thinking on Primary Teaching is akin to having the privilege of being present in Mark’s classroom, in planning meetings with him, reflecting with him in the staffroom after a day’s teaching, and observing his interactions with parents, colleagues and children, with the added benefit of a running commentary about his decision-making at every turn. And throughout the book, Mark’s passion for teaching and love for the children he teaches is writ large. 

Bethan | 10/01/2022 16:56
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