I loved this book mostly because I just loved the gossipy nature of it. Everyone talking about everyone else and some not talking at all. But I do think that you would need to have been steeped in NLP for some time to really appreciate it.
Nevertheless there have been so many stories about the origins of NLP, and it is great to read these different perspectives. And they do not seem to be that different, despite the commentaries on their accuracy or otherwise, which is also interesting given the emphasis on accepting unique -˜maps of the world' in those early days of NLP. I mean do the authors accept that people have unique perceptions and this is going to come through in their writing of that era, or not?
I have been involved with NLP for over 30 years now and this just seemed to create a firmer base on which to stand, knowing the importance of the various themes and how they came about (and who did what to whom!). The different writing styles were interesting in their own right. Some of the introduction is a remarkable mix of sensory rich language and incredible nominalisations but then so is NLP! Stephen Gilligan's style stood out for me and was like a drink of clean refreshing water in the middle of a dry spell! I preferred the personal experiences rather than the deluge of facts that some of the authors seemed to prefer but then that is my preference.
Overall I think the book adds an important perspective to NLP today and why and how it is important, and more significantly it presents views (although not always actions) that I believe counter some of the criticisms of NLP. That does not always seem to have been translated into practice mind you! It is a great way of getting a flavour of all the pioneers too and the influences that they all brought to the whole subject whereas the tendency for many has to been to think John and Richard only.
As John Grinder is quoted as saying in the book “We were interested in what works not what is proven”.