David Carter, Executive Principal , Cabot Learning Federation
The debate about the perfect OFSTED lesson rages in schools up and down the country yet the need to rise above the formulaic and embed the quality learning experience for young people has never been greater. This welcome addition to the literature on school improvement, and that is what this book is, gives the reader the opportunity to enter David Didau's mind and classroom, and to see, smell and touch what outstanding learning is like when the competence and confidence of the teacher works in partnership with the curiosity and creativity of the student. The dashboard checklist to please the visitor who sits at the back of the classroom is relevant, but it is not the key to sustaining outstanding learning throughout a child's secondary education. The techniques and strategies that you will read in this book, drawn from the experiences of teachers David has worked with as well as those ideas that are his own, will help teachers of English reflect on what really matters when they teach the subject that has become along with Maths, the pivotal subjects in the curriculum for all school leaders.
Guest | 29/05/2012 01:00
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