David Doherty, Assistant Principal and Teacher of English, Cowes Enterprise College
I've been a keen follower of David's -˜Learning Spy' blog for some time now and so when I heard that he was going to write this book, I was very excited by the prospect, but also a little worried-¦
Is there such a thing as a -˜perfect' English lesson?
Well, I needn't have worried. If anyone could describe what makes a -˜perfect' lesson, then it would have to be David. In this little gem of a book, David weaves the magic that will have even the toughest class under your spell whether you're an NQT or a little jaded and on the lookout for some new ideas.
He does all of this with charm and wit and a clear expectation that those things that are worth achieving need to be worked at -” both by teacher and pupil. Uncovering the Holy Grail of pupil progress through SOLO Taxonomy along the way and giving some very useful and easy to implement practical tips. He also dispels some common myths about observed lessons and demonstrates that the best learning comes through collaboration, something that he is not afraid to do himself, drawing readily on the experience of others.
I'd recommend this book heartily to every teacher (NOT just English teachers) and encourage them to try out the tips within. They work -¦ I know -¦ I've tried many myself to great effect!
Guest | 14/05/2012 01:00
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