Product reviews for Mentoring in Schools

Chris Rolph, Director, Nottingham Institute of Education, Nottingham Trent University
Haili's book promises to help readers to become an expert colleague. It is timely as the Early Career Framework is rolled out to schools and as the profession embarks on a renewed understanding of induction.

The book draws upon the Early Career Framework and the Teachers' Standards to structure eight substantive chapters, each of which considers what a particular standard says and why it is important, while also presenting the views of newly qualified teachers about that standard and offering practical advice on how to help mentees reach that standard. Each chapter draws upon relevant up-to-date research, supported by a comprehensive bibliography. 

Mentoring in Schools will undoubtedly be an invaluable resource for mentors, but will be equally useful to new teachers, who will find in it a wealth of tips and suggestions, many of which come from Haili's own experience. Without being prescriptive, the book encourages the development of a nurturing relationship with the mentee, whose professional progress remains at its heart.
Guest | 12/04/2021 01:00
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