John T Morris BA(Hons),MEd,MPhil,CertEd, Director, Ymgynghorwyr Addysg JTM Educational Consultants
With the increasing focus by Ofsted, Estyn and governing bodies on the role and impact of subject and middle leaders in the challenge to drive up achievement within schools and colleges, Caroline Bentley- Davies has put together a welcome source of advice and information to improve current practice. This book has many excellent tips both to move practice forward and how to avoid and deal with problems. I particularly enjoyed the sections on the 5”As” of Amazing Leadership; Talking to the team to clarify what is currently working and Dealing with Difficult People. Many subject leaders will gain confidence from five things to do to improve teaching and learning, including, for instance, showing the team video clips of what outstanding teaching looks like. In addition the author summarises well the ten top tips for successful middle leaders, which is essential reading for all aspiring leaders. This is a very well structured resource with excellent tips from an experienced practitioner, with clear guidelines for reflection. It will be a great asset in schools and colleges to give a structure for reflection and ideas to move current practice forward.
Guest | 24/06/2014 01:00
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