Unusual in that it brings together an eclectic mix of models, tools, applications and even descriptions of NLP communities, this book is a surprisingly good read as well as being a useful reference. The models and applications are presented in a very accessible way, with clear descriptions, case studies and examples. The editors seem to have considered very carefully what constitutes `innovations' rather than adaptations of Classic NLP models, which means that there's likely to be something(s) new and useful for everyone. Although I have come across some of the material previously in other forms, I found a lot of the content new, and there are some interesting new angles on concepts I am familiar with such as Symbolic Modelling and the LAB Profile.
I found this fresh approach to drawing NLP material together appealing. It seems current, practical and full of stuff in usable `chunk sizes' that I - and I would think anyone with some existing knowledge of NLP - can take away and put into practice. I am left wondering, given the nature of the fast-developing NLP field, what hasn't been included in this book. Hopefully there will be more volumes to follow.