This is a beautiful book, clearly crafted with devotion. The style of writing is open, honest and accessible and the presentation is equally appealing, with very attractive illustrations and good, simple diagrams just where they are needed. Above all, though this is an extremely intelligent book. The simplicity of its approach and its ease of access for both beginners and advanced NLP practitioners alike is only possible because of the way in which the author has developed a (unique in my experience) coherent, underlying structure for NLP. In that structure, the frames and delivery methods of any NLP intervention sit
very comfortably and the cookbook metaphor makes this a practical, engaging and fruitful tool. Some of my coaching colleagues may be critical of the technique-based approach of NLP, arguing that the 'doing' of an intervention in a mechanistic way dishonours the humanity of clients and explorers. I think that this book presents useful techniques in a very human way, recognising throughout that people and their experiences are rich and varied and wonderful. Fran Burgess, who is definitely one of the good-guys in the NLP world, has produced a very tasty book which is going to spend nearly all of its time getting dog-eared and well-thumbed on my desk!