Product reviews for Perfect Assessment for Learning

Tom Barwood M.A. PGCE
I read Claire's book once, then I read it again and then I read it again. Initially, when asked to define AfL (normally by a nervous looking NQT), I reply with -˜ask yourself -” did the students learn what you wanted them to learn and if so how do you know?'.

Claire's book actually takes the concept to a much more holistic level than this by positioning AfL as more a form of thinking; one which should permeate everything thing we do rather than being just a box ticking exercise at the end of the lesson.

For both the seasoned professional and the NQT this book is a goldmine of ideas and techniques but more importantly it allows practitioners to apply the principle of Growth Mindset to every part of their teaching -” and student learning.

I learned a lot from reading it.

Guest | 25/02/2013 00:00
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