Jean Billingsley - MBA CEng FIMechE CEnv CMgr FCMI, Director, Dux Consulting Ltd
This book explains how to coach a woman and is aimed at practising and aspiring coaches and may also be of interest to managers and individuals. It identifies -˜six key principles to coaching a woman' which are referred to throughout the book, for example women tend to be better at visualising and this can be a useful approach for a coach. It discusses the nature versus nurture differences between men and women's brains with a caution against assuming standard norms.

There are a number of useful tools and techniques described, including the coaching model of TGROW, with -˜Topic' preceding the more widely seen Goal, Reality, Options and Will/When/Why. In addition to SMART goals, the authors describe their acronym for goals for women -” FEMALE -” Focused, Empowered, Measured, Aligned, Linked to her Emotionally. 

It is written in a very readable style, whilst also giving input from experts and academic studies and is clearly laid out with a good index and references. There are plenty of examples of coaching conversations to illustrate their points, all with a focus on women and their typical situations. A bonus is a CD of useful resources including templates, for example the Wheel of Life, and summaries, such as the theory of positive and negative circles. 
Strongly recommended (4 stars).
Guest | 04/11/2014 00:00
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