Sophie Eld
This book is one of those valuable finds -” a handbook that blends knowledge and experience then communicates it in an easily accessible style. It is aimed at those who coach, or wish to coach women in their many guises. I will admit to being vaguely sceptical at first that there were such significant differences between the genders to warrant a pointedly different approach. However, having read the book I'm inclined to agree that whilst there is no -˜right' or -˜wrong', there are commonalities in the way many women respond to their environment and themselves. To conduct a coaching relationship making use of this knowledge could be compared to accurately tuning in to a particular radio station. When you're close but not exact you can still hear the song, albeit interrupted by moments of static. Using the exact code you can enjoy the maximum quality and connection, letting you forget about tuning and instead focus purely on the music. 

This is a very practical book. Whilst full of knowledge, everything is backed up by experience and usually illustrated by examples and through sample dialogues. There are many tools included which the reader can try out on themselves as well as examples of how this information has helped relationships both in and out of the traditional coaching arena.

As a qualified coach, I would genuinely recommend this book to those with an interest in coaching. Students will find it an invaluable companion to their studies as well as a model for what they should look for in a good course. Practicing coaches or those using coaching skills in the workplace are also likely to find the book of benefit. Being a great coach means undertaking a continuous journey of self-development. This book is a worthwhile step on that road.
Guest | 25/04/2012 01:00
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