Product reviews for Bi-Polar Girl

Pat Doohan, Fidelity Magazine
If you, or someone close to you, suffer(s) from Bi-polar Disorder, or even if you just suspect that this might be the case, this is the book for you! Written in an unsentimental, factual way, it is nevertheless very informative and interesting. Each page has only a few lines, along with some witty illustrations, so there is no chance of getting bogged down in heavy textbook style explanations of the illness.

The author herself is Bi-Polar Girl and the book sets out to describe her journey from before she was diagnosed, through diagnosis and treatment ( which was quite an emotional roller coaster for all concerned) ending with her ways of coping in the post- treatment period.

I think this book will especially help the relatives of sufferers of this disorder as it very eloquently describes the symptoms in a way that will not only foster a better understanding of the condition but will reassure those in the position of being the sufferer`s nearest and dearest that they are not alone in their experience and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It will also, perhaps, help to convince anyone who may be showing signs of the illness but is still in the denial stage, that they should seek assistance as soon as possible for this distressing, but treatable, disorder.
Guest | 03/03/2011 00:00
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