Pain can be evaluated in many forms but for children it can be something completely different, from not sleeping, being tired, acute, stress, chronic, etc. The work and research carried out by the author is astonishing. Every aspect of a child from birth to teens has been covered. This in depth research into children and pain is what every health professional needs to read. Each age group has been covered and how to deal with the pain and what techniques can be used through play, cd`s, hypnosis, breathing, imagery, art etc. It goes on to explain what physical methods can also be used. I can go on and on, but this is something which needs to be read, to be appreciated. This book is ideal for parents who want to understand or who are with children that are in pain of any sort. This book is highly recommended to professionals that work with children.
Easy to read, with clear sub headings, it consists of 361 pages which cover everything.