Mick Waters Mick Waters, Professor of education and president of the Curriculum Foundation
Most people know that children`s school experiences need to be different to meet the needs of the current age. Jackie Beere shows how this can be done.
`The Primary Learners` Toolkit` is full of carefully thought out suggestions for the teacher and children as they seek to develop the learning habits that will bring success. The crafted activities that develop explicit techniques for learning in children are built upon a set of principles that help the teacher recognise the need to move their practice forward.
The structure practises the book`s method of providing hooks for understanding to develop. The five habits are outlined and then expanded in ways that reflect recent thinking in SEAL and teachers who have been working on this agenda will be able to exploit this book.
For the teacher who wants young people who believe in themselves, organise themselves, think they can achieve, and endlessly push their own learning, this is a `must read`...and `must use` book.
Guest|25/02/2011 00:00
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