Eleanor May-Brenneker MALecturer, SpLD/ND Consultant/Therapist for FE-HE Students and Adults
The word `More` in the above title is double-edged. Firstly, this is Lynda`s second book, following her successful previous volume: `Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy with Children`. Secondly, this publication complements Roger Allen`s original `Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy`.

WHO is this book intended for? 
Trained hypnotherapists, newer therapists, more experienced clinicians and hypnotherapy instructors. In short, it is for practising clinicians whether recently trained or very experienced.

WHAT is the content about? 
This is a practical hypnotherapy sourcebook; a compendium of general scripts with a variety of topics, metaphors, suggestions and visualisations aimed at a wide range of age groups, interests and personalities. The issues dealt with fall broadly into five categories viz.

1. Mental~, emotional~ and physical health and well-being (by far the largest section).

2. Enhanced business performance;

3. Sports and art performance; and

4. Public speaking; followed by a chapter dealing with

5. Miscellaneous conditions or problems.

WHY was it written?

To complement Roger Allen`s volumes and Lynda`s first publication and to fulfil requirements for help for issues (several of a medical nature) that fall outside the more well known or `traditional` categories. Thus, Lynda intends to provide help directly to therapists and indirectly their clients/patients by using or adapting her scripts and in doing the latter to even possibly devise their own tailor-made scripts, so that they are right for the therapist as well as for the client in his/her care.

HOW is the book structured and how does one use the content?

The most detailed Table of Contents allows the therapist to scan for a particular issue. In her lengthy Introduction the author answers - with highly specific information - the `HOW to use this book?` question. A particularly practical section, Hypnotic Language, (pages 1-5) is presented in table format with useful phrases and presuppositions. For the many following Chapters Lynda has adopted a new format for this edition. This allows comments to the therapist alongside the script. Most chapters contain therefore small, bold sections in the margin with explanations, hints, tips and suggestions for variations etc. Finally there is a list of References and Useful Resources`.

Throughout the book Lynda stresses that there are options and choices for individual adaptations and recommendations. The scripts are composed and encoded in such a manner that one can read the text the way it can be spoken. Having listened to many of Lynda`s CD`s (see: www. firstwayforward.com) her written version of the spoken word is remarkably accurate.

The scripts are sparkling with creativity, variety, often humour and ample opportunity for adaptations. An ingenious, inspiring, innovative, comprehensive volume of the highest professional quality and rightly called `an essential reference book` or even `hypnotherapy encyclopedia` by some of Lynda`s venerable colleagues!.
Guest | 11/03/2011 00:00
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