Amanda Lowe, Author
I love this book. I love the size of it (just the right size to sneak into a handbag or briefcase), I love the feel of it (strange thing to say about a book, but as soon as you have it in your hands, youll know exactly what I mean). But most of all, I love the content.
It is indeed a book of inspirational teaching activities"inspirational being the operative word. The activities are divided up like a pack of cards" the activities in thediamond section are all focussed on Believe in Yourself, thehearts" Know Your Strengths,clubs, Have a Plan, Spades, Go For It. Theres even some fun activities in theJoker section, and a useful end section that covers NLP basics, and how they can be applied in the classroom.
The activities in the book are explained in simple terms, and each is prefaced with a little anecdote to illustrate why the activity is useful and what you will learn.
Whenever I work in schools or with groups of hard-to-engage learners, (or even with eager, motivated, real workshop-attending fee-paying, adults) I always slip this book into my bag. Why? Because I know that if I dry up, if I run out of steam, if I cant think of what to do for the last half hour, or if there are issues that require attention, I can dip into my Little Blue Book. And believe me, the answer is always there.
Whether you know nothing about NLP, or you are a seasoned expert, this book will not disappoint. It is funny, it is informative, it is packed with useful activities (some of them you could even try out at kiddies parties!), and everyone who works with groups of people of any age should have this book tucked away somewhere, for those moments when you need to inject a little more fun/activity/inspiration/humour/positivity/team spirit into your work.
Guest | 09/07/2010 01:00
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