Yvonne Haymonds, Curriculum Co ordinator, Connexions Hub Services in Tyne and Wear

  • As an Inset Co ordinator I could fill a years worth of training for teachers using these techniques alone and the best thing is they transcend all curriculum areas.

  • From the minute I picked it up I couldn't put it down. Every section is so easy to understand and visualise how to use with young people. Particularly good use of humour, it was actually fun to read.

  • In the teaching world it is so difficult to grab extra time to do anything new and this is the beauty of the book, you don't need extra time, you can eaily incorporate the activities in to everyday delivery as they only take as long as a typical registration period.

  • After reading this book anyone would have to agree the world of teaching and training is a better place for having David Hodgson in it. The work he produces is not only inspirational to professionals but it actually does what it says on the cover, it works with young people.

Guest | 03/03/2009 00:00
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