Product reviews for Leadership with a Moral Purpose

Paul Ginnis, best selling author The Teachers Toolkit
Leadership with a Moral Purpose
is a complete primary school leadership manual for the immediate future. It has its head in the skies and its feet on the ground. A fantastic combination ” vision and pragmatism, head and heart, in equal measure. With books like this we might, at last, break the final shackles of that debilitating Thatcherite premise, that schools are essentially factory-like businesses, and assert the unique, incomparable, vital nature of expertly-led, community-appropriate, student-focussed, individually-configured, globally-aware, creatively-charged, values-driven, sky-is-the-limit places of learning. Will, I am asking every primary headteacher I meet to read your book. It swims with the changing tide.
Guest | 16/06/2008 01:00
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