Product reviews for Their Finest Hour

Ross Maynard FCMA, Ideas into Action Coaching, NLP and Lean Management
You may expect a book subtitled “Master Therapists share their greatest success stories” to be full of stories of clients achieving fantastic results through the “magical” skills of their therapist. Actually, nothing could be further from the reality of this book. Instead the book offers a wide range of complex (and often moving) cases that involve months, even years, of therapy to achieve satisfactory, but rarely amazing, outcomes. Sometimes there aren't even clear outcomes. A wide range of therapists is presented here (all American) and their specialities range from feminist therapy to existential therapy, with many in between. However, the conclusion of the book seems to be that it is not the type of therapy that matters but rather the relationship that the therapist builds with the client. I like that conclusion, it gives us mortals hope. There are no “magic bullets” in therapy - follow this model of therapy and you'll win every time - rather a strong bond between therapist and client, and a resourceful, flexible and imaginative approach, will bring you better results. The book is engagingly written with a marvelously wide range of client stories. It will refresh, inspire and encourage your work. And don't miss the alien abduction story !
Guest | 16/06/2008 01:00
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