Product reviews for Still – in the Storm

David Feakes
At last! a self help book on how to manage your stress and achieve balance in life, written by someone who, in my mind has the right credentials to do so.

Dr Ann Williamson, a GP of over twenty five years experience in practice has come up trumps here. Still ” In The Storm is one of those books that every What's Happening Magazine reader should have in their possession, not just to read from cover to cover but to refer to as a useful dip in and out book when the needs must.

With only six chapters though I would suggest reading it from cover to cover, absorbing the positive information and useful exercises Dr Williamson suggests and explains in a reader friendly way that is both easy to understand and follow. Quite lucky really, as the last thing you want when looking for ways to manage that stress is to become frustrated with jargon, be bamboozled by complicated exercises or worse, be patronised and humoured as so many books in this genre can tend to do. Happy to say this is one of those that does not do any of the aforementioned. Rather, it takes the reader on a journey to discover the levels of stress being experienced, the individual responses to it through to increasing self-confidence and helping you to figure out where you want to go in your life.

One chapter that I particularly found interesting, containing an exercise I just love is Chapter 4 on the subject of dealing with the stress response. The visualisation exercise aptly titled “A Special Place' is just out of this world and I find myself retreating to my place when it feels just right to do so, then returning to the present refreshed and calmer than when I “left'.

On the subject of visualisations, I would suggest that each reader when beginning to read Still ” In The Storm remains open minded to the visualisation exercises Dr Williamson suggests as they do work. Honest.

So my verdict, as if you didn't have an idea already. Still ” In The Storm is one of those that you should have on your book case, read from cover to cover at least once and refer to when you feel you need some balance back in your life.

Well Dr Williamson, what can I say? I wish my GP was a forward thinking as you appear to be in your practice with regard to complimenting mainstream medicine with the methods you have written about. As one of your chapters asks Half Empty or Half Full? With this gem in my possession I would definitely say that my glass is over flowing! Even the dedication instils a sense of calm. Thank you.
Guest | 16/05/2008 01:00
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