Product reviews for Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation

Andrew Ian Dodge
Well respected hypnotist and hypnotherapist David Botsford has turned his attention to helping his fellows in field with their smoking cessation techniques. Having reviewed some of his consumer based hypnotherapy CDs I was interested to see how he would get on with this near academic tome.

Well I needn't have wondered as the talented Mr Botsford has produced a book that is both informative and expansive. The book includes a CD with handouts for clients and as well as two full transcripts.

The book itself is presented in a professional way and is easy to find your way round. Its easy to read; befitting Botsford normal style of writing. While not aimed at me per se; I can see how this book will be a valuable addition to the library of any practitioner.

Considering the pressure smokers are coming under from all sides these days I am sure that hypnotherapists are finding many people using their services to end their habit. With this book they can get up to speed with the latest effective techniques to maximise their clients efforts. In fact the book addresses these pressures in its text.

Botsford continues to produce quality with whatever he does. This is no exception and it is no surprise there are many recommendations on the back of this book from his fellow professionals.
Guest | 15/02/2008 00:00
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