I'm a firm believer in synchronicity, so when the Stress Free Surgery Hypnosis CDs arrived on my desk for review, it seemed to be too good an opportunity to miss, seeing as I was scheduled for some routine surgery a few weeks later! I did manage to listen to them from a review point of view, before I succumbed to the hypnotic voice of Linda Thomson. She is American, and yet has one of the most calming and reassuring voices I have ever heard ... and she is an experienced health care professional. Over 2 CDs every aspect of your impending 'procedure' is covered, the first one being 'pre-surgery' and the second being 'post surgery'. Pre Surgery focuses on both calming any nerves and encouraging the mind to put the body into the best possible state for surgery. Linda does literally 'walk you through' the process from arriving at the hospital to waking up after surgery. I saved the Post Surgery until after my operation - in fact, I could have listened to it beforehand, but I didn't realise that! The second CD focuses on recovery and pain relief, and in the first week after my surgery, Linda became my best friend. I found the CDs extremely relaxing, reassuring and they had a hugely calming effect on me. I recommended them to everyone else on my ward, and can safely say that this was the most positive surgical experience I have ever had!!