Ian Deal Editor, A Bad Hair Day magazine, The Poet Tree Magazine, Image Nation Magazine
Creative Intelligence & Self-Liberation clearly illustrates how important it is to release our minds from the shackles of verbal thinking.

Following on the work of Korzybski, Ted Falconar shows how we need to once again visualise our inner thoughts as sensory and in images not words, if we are to become creative seers once more. We are currently struggling in our thought process as slaves to the incompetent word and our current, indoctrinated thought process forces us to see the world as Piaget saw it, labelled and catalogued in schemas, categorised for later reference, thereby reducing future events as nothing more substantial than analytic association from memory. We have lost the ability to think in a way that allows us to see the world and all it contains as ever new and stimulating. Having separated our inner mind from the outer world we no longer see it world as Wordsworth saw it-¦

-˜There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth and every common sight,
To me did seem
Apparell'd in celestial light,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.'

With the help of people like Korzybski and Falconar, we can regain the ability to think in images and liberate our creative potential. Maybe we could even emulate Einstein whose ability to think in image allowed him -to visualise a completely different Uninverse A which revolutionised physics.

For someone who works in Childcare and Education, I found this book alarmingly enlightening.
Guest | 16/05/2008 01:00
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