Alan Jacobs, President of the Ramana Maharshi Foundation (U.K.) and author of Poetry of the Spirit, The Essential Gnostic Gospels, The Wisdom of Balsekar (Watkins Publishing) The Spiritual Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, The Ocean of Wisdom, The Bhagavid Gita
When this important seminal book was first published in 2000, it was hailed as a work of genius, breaking new ground in the quest for keys to Creative Intelligence and Self Liberation.

Now the author has completely revised his work, with a new introduction which clearly leads the reader into his significant discoveries.

Ted Falconer has been profoundly influenced by the Philosopher, Count Alfred Korzybski, who in ten years produced a unique exposition on Self Realisation which he termed Non-Aristotelian Thinking. Korzybski died in the U.S.A. in 1950 and Ted Falconer has progressed his exhaustive study into clear, everyday language for the contemporary reader, adding his the fruits of his own wisdom.

To give an idea of the scope of this fine work I need only mention a few of the fourteen Chapter Headings; Krishnamurti, Zen Koans and Tibetan Meditaion, Creativity, Poetry and Mysticsm, Philosophy of Freedom, The -˜I' or Ego: Know Thyself.

I strongly recommend this book to earnest seekers after Truth who are prepared to open up their minds to a fresh and rewarding approach to the real meaning of life.
Guest | 25/04/2007 01:00
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