Tessa Ransford, poet, www.wisdomfield.com
Much is talked about Creativity in our contemporary society. Everyone praises it and seeks it. It is thought to be what will keep the wheels of capitalism turning profitably. Everyone knows the why and the wherefore of creative play and its problem-solving or revelatory outcomes. Ted Falconar is unique in that he has lived a long full life developing and practising creativity in every aspect of his life and in the last decade has struggled to find ways, words, diagrams, stories, case histories, mystical poetry and meditation to demonstrate and convey the 'how' of it.

How can we avoid the tunnel vision, the shut mind, the paddling in the shallows that is so destructive and damaging in our modern world? Only by opening the eyes of the mind, following the way shown us in symbols, metaphors and poetry by mystics of many traditions and eras, including physicists such as Clerk Maxwell, Einstein and David Bohm. Only by doing the right thing, often revealed through beauty and the aesthetic consciousness, rather than the next thing, in a sleepwalking, 'Label-land' of verbal miasma.

Understanding how the way we see creates what we see, Falconar shows the completely different worlds that take shape from a western, logical, word-dependent view and an eastern visionary, more holistic view that bypasses the ego to reach the eternal 'I'. These worlds are not mutually exclusive however, even if one could be described as the map and the other as the terrain. We need them both and can alternate between them. However the map must serve the terrain, as words must serve vision and logical analysis serve the image-full, noospheric mode of thought. The transcendant is entered when the thought, the observer and the object become one in an awareness that forgets self. The outward adventure and the inward adventure are equally challenging and ultimately the same.

Creative Intelligence and Self-Liberation is a demanding book. It involves translating words into quite new and strange concepts as we go along. It is a book written with precision and care, no word used without diligent appraisal of its meaning and context. It is a resource book rich with clues to follow on the path of our human evolution towards fuller consciousness and the realisation in our everyday life of the joy, light and freedom which is our truth and destiny.
Guest | 25/04/2007 01:00
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