Product reviews for The Little Book of Thunks®

Rapport Julie Pearce
260 questions to make your brain go ouch! And I can honestly say it worked!! Ian Gilbert describes a -˜thunk' as “a beguilingly simple looking questions about everyday things that stops you in your tracks and helps you start looking at the world in a N%-hole new light”. He used them in his work with primary and secondary school children and describes the interesting debates that arise from them, ie “one group memorably identified that if zebras ruled the world there would be no racism” Ian Gilbert also explains that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions and it helps the quieter members of the class have an opinion without feeling they could be wrong. It certainly stirred debate in my household, my husband and older son were not impressed but my 12 year old son loved thinking of how many different answers to the questions he could come up with, and then exploring how he arrived at his answers was fascinating. I found it a thoroughly absorbing and fascinating little book.
Guest | 15/02/2008 00:00
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