Product reviews for My Child’s Different

Sharon Butler, Reviewed on Love Reading
Having a child that has high functioning autism myself, I was quite keen to read about the struggles another family had encountered and got through. A great read to anyone with a "special" child.

This book is an honest account of how hard it can be when you have a son that is not considered "normal". A compelling and touching account of how one family never gave up on their "different child".

Throughout the book, my heart went out to Izzy, Sam's sister as she was often overlooked due to the time focused on helping her brother and the effect it had on her long-term.

Written with extracts from the perspectives of a parent, child and their support worker makes it a practical read as well as a heartfelt one.

Many parenting tips and suggestions are also included.

Click here to read the review on Love Reading's website.
Guest | 19/09/2018 01:00
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