Product reviews for The Learning Imperative

Martin Riley, Managing Director, Medway Community Healthcare CIC

I am usually put off business books as they tend to be too academic for my liking; however, I was pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable The Learning Imperative is to read and follow. Set out in a logical format, the book is well structured and includes further sources of information at the end of each chapter - thus signposting the reader to delve deeper into the subject if interested. 

I recognise many of the identified challenges and barriers that prevent teams and organisations from learning and developing, and these issues are brought to life by the inclusion of relevant examples and case studies from real-life contexts. The case studies are particularly useful as they prompt reflection on how things can be seen and done differently, and they also make the tools and techniques suggested by the authors easier to understand, remember and hence apply.

Practical, well-constructed and full of insightful tips, The Learning Imperative is a book that I will continue to refer back to.

Guest | 07/09/2018 01:00
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