NphA News
"We are all capable of creating great stories and how we can all learn while we play", so writes Bill Lucas, best selling author and Chairman of The Talent Foundation. Literacy involves much more than a set of technical exercises and this book sets out to show what can be achieved for all types of learner through stories. The reader is taken through instructions for teachers and activities for pupils in such a way that structured opportunities for emotional and imaginative engagement open with such ease. Why work this way? It shows how to create an exciting approach to the Foundation and KS1 curriculum. It enables you to cover a great deal in a short time through cross curricular projects. Don't panic! It also gives worksheets and references to QCA programmes of study. It really does light up the way to an exciting and enjoyable curriculum. One for the CPD shelf in the staffroom.
Guest | 23/07/2007 01:00
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