Product reviews for Expectation

Chrissie Johnson
The power of human expectation in physiological intervention, as demonstrated by the placebo effect, is widely documented and accepted in the medical world. In this book, Rubin Battino offers a compelling and heartfelt argument for introducing the concept of expectation into a psychotherapeutic context, specifically 'very brief therapy', where both the client and therapist embrace high expectations of a successful outcome, from as little as one session.

However, this is far from a one-idea book. Rubin Battino takes the reader on a whistlestop tour of a diverse and challenging range of techniques and approaches that have been of inspiration to his own practice, including the use of the metaphor and hypnosis, ordeal therapy, nature-guided therapy and solution-oriented therapy.

Rather than offering a definitive guide to very brief therapy, this book is more usefully viewed as a 'tapas' of thought-provoking material, allowing readers to get a feel and flavour for various methods and offering useful direction for those who wish to learn more. Those who are seeking a comprehensive step-by-step guide to very brief therapy may be disappointed. Equally, whilst therapists working across a number of traditions may gather inspiration from the views and tools offered in this book, Battino's focus on clinical hypnosis may, at times, limit the transferability of its contents beyond therapists who are in a similar field of practice.

Nevertheless, the book is written in an informal, warm and accessible style. The author's considerable practical and theoretical expertise and enthusiasm is evident throughout, making this a valuable addition for anyone interested in this field of practice..'. even those with the highest of expectations!
Guest | 24/04/2007 01:00
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