Lyn Macintosh, Hypnopatter, The Australian Hypnosis Association Newsletter March 2009
This DVD is about history. It is about the man who has secured a place in the history of hypnotherapy.

Jay Haley studied with Milton Erickson for 17 years. (You may have read his"Uncommon Therapy, Norton Pub. 1986 onThe Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, MD.) In the DVD, he has included cameos of a number of well known figures in the field such as Jeffrey Zeig and Stephen Lankton. They talk about the impact Milton Erickson had on their development.
The archival filmed footage is often with indistinct sound but the style of the man shows through. Dr Erickson was remarkable. He overcame the hurdles that life threw at him such as polio, chronic pain and dyslexia. Just as he turned his symptoms to good use, so he used his patients symptoms as assets in their treatment.
The DVD provides us with some idea of the foundation and background of the work we are doing in the hypnotherapeutic field and are a link to a man we no longer have direct access to.
Guest | 08/07/2010 01:00
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