Dr Tracie O'Keefe DCH, Hypnosis Australia Online Journal
The DVD is essentially Haley and what a funny thing for me to say when talking about a DVD about Milton Erickson MD, the profoundest medical hypnotist of the 20th century. What I am referring to is that the way the DVD is put together with the Haleys' smoothness and beautiful narrative style. If that were just it, however, I would not be reviewing its content.

It is a treasure chest of Erickson's life and story with interviews with just about everyone who came within 10 yards of Erickson. There are interviews with family, children, colleagues, ex-patients, Erickson's doctor and last but certainly not least Mrs Betty Erickson. Added to this is a cause celebre of American hypnosis academics. The only ones missing are Erickson's dogs who one gets the impression may come through in trance at any moment. This is indeed an American adventure story starring no less than Erickson himself, the cripple who became the doyen of hypnosis.

Kidding apart, there is footage of Erickson, working throughout the years with everything from the Monde interviews to a teenage girl with great pain control. This DVD is really for hypnotists who do not know very much about Erickson. It may also be useful as a teaching aid to help teachers introduce students to a collection of hypnotic phenomena. It does not, however, give insight into hypnotic techniques that Erickson used or in-depth analysis of those techniques. Neither does it really broach his evolution of brief therapy but simply gives a series of snapshots of him working with hypnosis.

If you are beginning with hypnosis, then I would advise you, the novice hypnotist, to see this DVD even though it portrays at times very much of an overview of Erickson and his journey. In 60 minutes it would be hard and over-ambitious to really reveal all about this very complex and incredibly resourceful man and clinician. Coupling this DVD with reading Erickson's own works would help the fledgling hypnotist have a much greater understanding of hypnosis and its remarkable potential. On finishing this review I hear that Jay Haley had just died, and how we in hypnosis will miss him but are happy he has left us much food for thought.
Guest | 15/06/2007 01:00
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